środa, 29 września 2010

The survey

Last week we conducted a survey among all students attending 1st and 2nd form of our secondary school to examine their expectations from  the project.

35 students took part in the survey. Most of them (95%) think that TIME project is a great idea, 3 of them are not sure if our school will manage with it. None of them thinks of the project as useless.
The second question dealt with project aims. 20 surveyed perceived "Getting to know foreign cultures" as the most important aim. 15 students liked the objective of "Improving language skills". Only one student doesn't like any of the project objectives.
Six students admitted that the idea of the project has not been explained to them sufficiently enough. 22 of the people questionned already belong to the Comenius team, 7 would like to join and 6 are not interested.
Question number 5 dealt with students' expectations. 14 of them would like to improve their language skills, 12 students said that they want to develop their talents as well as gain skills that will be useful in their further education and job. Visit to partner countries is important for 11 surveyed and 10 of them expect to make friends abroad.
5 students have their own ideas on how to develop our project. They would like to organize sport competitions during working meetings and they would like to have more ICT tasks.

Greek partner

Unforunatly, the Greek partner has resigned form participation in our project. Nevertheless, we are eager to continue the work and have plenty of fun with our partners in Bulgaria and Hungary.

czwartek, 23 września 2010


The following text was announced during monthly parents-teacher meetings (21st September), School Board Meeting (23rd September). It will also be published in a local newspaper next week. In a two weeks' time the information will be broadcasted through "Radio Lipiany".
"Secondary School of Lipiany has became a coordinator of a project entitled Tolerance In My Europe (T.I.M.E.) (Comenius School Projects). Polish National Agency has granted 20.000 Euro for the realisation of the project.Our partners are schools in Greece, Hungary and Bulgaria. There are 29 secondary students involved in the project. They are working in following teams: internet and media, philosophy, journalism, drama, arts, culture and evaluation. We are planning visits to our partner schools, designing a mural in our school, exhibitions, street art performance and workshops for students.The main aim of these activities is to promote the idea of tolerance though various forms of art. The students involved will have the opportunity to develop communication, language, ICT skills and improve their talents, get to know foreign cultures and gain skills that can be useful in their further education. More information on www.timepl.blogspot.com"

wtorek, 14 września 2010

ready, steady, go!

With money granted by Polish National Agency our tolerance project has just started. In our school, Liceum Ogólnokształcące w Lipianach we have a great team of teachers and students from 1st and 2nd grade.
We are going to visit our partner schools in Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Mako in Hungary and Rhodes.Apart from that we are going to create lots of interesting things that bring the idea of tolerance and art together.
Let our project be successful!